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Apple CEO Tim Cook Urges Everyone to ‘Just Say Hi’ to People Living with Disabilities (Tech Times)
Apple CEO Tim Cook has teamed up with the Cerebral Palsy Foundation for a PSA to remind Apple fans (and even non-Apple fans) to wish everyone “happy holidays” this season…
Apple’s Cook and Siri: “Just Say Hi” to person with a disability (USA Today)
Apple CEO Tim Cook posted a video on the Cerebral Palsy Foundation website addressing the unease and hesitation some folks feel when they encounter a person with a disability.
Apple’s Siri (and her CEO) remind you to ‘Just Say Hi’ to people living with disabilities (Mashable)
If you aren’t sure how to start a conversation with someone with a disability, ask Siri. “It’s easy,” she’ll respond. “Just say, ‘Hi.'”
Disability Awareness Effort Asks People to ‘Just Say Hi’ (Disability Scoop)
Apple’s Siri and CEO Tim Cook are the latest to sign on for a star-studded campaign encouraging people to lose their fear of interacting with those who have disabilities.
How do you talk to someone with a disability? Try this magic word (TODAY.com)
How important can it be to hear a simple “hello”? Very — especially if eye contact with fellow humans is in short supply. It’s an issue that’s been simmering…
Listen to Siri’s Great Answer If You Ask About People with Disabilities (Huffington Post)
If you grab your iPhone and ask Siri how to start a conversation with someone who has a disability, the digital assistant will tell you: “It’s easy. Just say ‘Hi.’”
Tim Cook Gives A Lesson In How To Talk To People With Disabilities (Fast Company)
Outside of patrolling the stage at WWDC or another big Apple product announcement, we don’t typically see Tim Cook in marketing mode, but the Apple CEO makes an exception…
Tim Cook has one incredibly simple piece of advice for talking to people with disabilities (Business Insider)
Tim Cook has a simple piece of advice for talking to people with disabilities: “Just say hi.” The Apple CEO is taking part in an initiative by the Cerebral Palsy Foundation…
Tim Cook recruits Siri for advice in Cerebral Palsy Foundation “Just Say Hi” campaign (Apple Insider)
Tim Cook has a simple piece of advice for talking to people with disabilities: “Just say hi.” The Apple CEO is taking part in an initiative by the Cerebral Palsy Foundation…
Women With Disabilities Are More Likely to Die of Breast Cancer — Here’s Why (mic.com)
Judy Panko Reis has learned to be insistent when she goes to get a mammogram. “I know I’m going to need two technicians,” she told Mic. “Somebody has to take the pictures…